
20 June 2014

And the winner is...

Today is your lucky day (someone's lucky day at least), I have two giveaways to announce the winners of! Read on to the bottom of this post to see if YOU have been selected.

Our move back to the Cape came at the perfect time...Lilly is resort hoppin' through Massachusetts this week! You can bet I will be in Osterville this afternoon at In the Pink to join the fun (and of course to snap a photo with the Lilly Jeep). Hope to see y'all there!

Now for the moment y'all have been waiting for: and the winners are...

$75 gift card to Belk: Joni B.!
SBT Fashion Show tickets: Kristina B. and Sydney H.! 

Congratulations, ladies! Please check your email for details on claiming your prizes. Thank you to everyone who entered - I love my followers and truly appreciate each of you. 

Happy weekend, lovelies!

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin
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