
23 May 2014

Memorial Day Style (& SALE!)

Memorial Day weekend is here, and I am ready for relaxing days filled with beaches, pools, boats, and all things summer! (I'm also ready for some serious sale do NOT want to miss Pink Bubbly's sparkle sale! Hint: prices starting at just $10, and you may even find a monogram or two!)  

You can bet that I will be wearing this red, white, and blue ensemble to one of this weekend's events...pool party anyone?

Top, Shorts (similar), Hat, Sunnies, Earrings, Necklace (sale!), Bracelet, Bracelet, Watch, Shoes, Tote (similar)

Wishing y'all a fabulous weekend with family and friends! Don't forget to celebrate with Pink Bubbly & save!

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin
Pop the bubbly! Shop, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


  1. Cute monogrammed hat!!

  2. Love the outfit. Perfect showing off your sexy, toned legs.

  3. You look way to adorable, so preppy perfect! That's my favorite look, you are a complete beauty! ;)

    God bless,
    XO, Claire


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