
25 February 2014

SJP Knows Shoes

It's hard for me to look at Sarah Jessica Parker without immediately thinking Carrie Bradshaw. Perhaps this is part of the reason that the idea of her own shoe line could not be more perfect. "Men, I may not know. But shoes? Shoes, I know." If there was any doubt that the real life SJP was capable of designing some seriously pretty footwear, the evidence is in her gorgeous collection and the sneak peek photos that follow. One of each pair, pretty please?

Photo credits: the Coveteur

Are you swooning too? Counting down to the debut February 28th!

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  1. The pink floral pair and the turquoise scallops--oohlala! They really are divine. I am excited to see them all when they launch at the end of the week.

  2. I had no clue she was coming out with her own line...makes sense! They look great :)

  3. I had no clue she was coming out with her own line...makes sense! They look great :)


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