
01 January 2014


In looking back at the past year, it has certainly been a big one...I left my job, grew Pink Champagne, and started a company of my own. We sold our house, moved to a little condo on the beach, and bought a lot where we will build our dream home and raise a family. We traveled to Greece and have had a blast exploring Hilton Head Island, Charleston, Savannah, and the Golden Isles. We have made lifelong friends and been welcomed into a new community with open arms. My precious little triplets turned one, and I am so blessed to be an aunt to such angels.

Today is a day where I celebrate the year to come and say a big thank you. Thank you for reading, supporting me, and gushing over shoes, jewels, and Lilly prints with me. Thank you for allowing me to do what I love. Thank you for your support as I launched Pink Bubbly and for allowing me to make the world a little more sparkly. Thank you for the friendships and amazing opportunities Pink Champagne has brought me. Y'all are dolls, and I wish you the most fabulous year yet!

Popping a bottle of pink champagne and toasting to 2014!

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1 comment:

Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO