
18 December 2013

Stocking Stuffers (and a giveaway!)

With Christmas just one week away, the shopping countdown is on. Jewelry makes a fabulous gift for the ladies in your life, and I have my fingers crossed for a little sparkle in my stocking!

Shop all bracelets here.

Cannot get enough bubbly? You can enter to win a $50 gift card to Pink Bubbly from Kasey's Kitchen! 'Tis the season for giveaways, and I'm honored to be featured as one of Kasey's Favorite Things. (Be sure to check out some of Kasey's recipes while you are visiting her...they are amazing, and she is absolutely adorable!) Enter to win here.

To finish stuffing those stockings, cold weather accessories are always a chic choice, and these are some fabulous steals from GroopDealz

Stocking stuffers by GroopDealz: crochet turban * flower knit gloves

Just one week to go...who else is excited for Christmas?!

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin

1 comment:

  1. Those pieces are so pretty, and I love the stocking! Thanks for sharing! :)

    <3 Pierce


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