
20 December 2013

Pretty Living PR (and the winner is...)

I'm thrilled to announce that I am featured today on Pretty Living PR! Thank you to Charissa and the lovely ladies behind the brand - I'm honored to be included in their Blog Buzz! Click here to read the interview and see the complete feature.

And the moment y'all have been waiting for...the winner of the Boden gift card is: Elena! Check your email for details on how to claim your prize. Thank you to Boden for this fabulous giveaway, and thank you to everyone who entered. Congratulations to Elena and happy shopping!

Today is the LAST DAY to order in time for Pink Bubbly boxes to be under your Christmas tree...stocking stuffers, secret santa treats, and gift sets galore - hurry! Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend filled with holiday cheer!

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin

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