
16 December 2013

Blown Away

With blow dry salons popping up in every city, everyone is in search of the perfect blowout. When the lovely ladies at Misikko contacted me about trying one of their salon-grade hair dryers, I could not wait to start playing with it. While I am by no means an expert, I have watched my stylist do enough blowouts to know the basics.

I have the HANAair professional hair dryer, and I recommend a soft round brush.

Pinning up the top section of your hair, begin by drying the bottom layer of your hair slowly moving the brush in sync with the hair dryer. 

Once dry, free more hair keeping only the crown pinned on top. Repeat with dryer. 

Finally, unpin the top and roll the hair around your face through the brush while drying. Hint: I prefer the highest heat setting.

Putting the finishing touches on...

Voila! The finished product is straight, smooth, silky hair.

I must say that I love being able to do a fabulous blowout at home, and my hair has never felt softer! 

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*Thank you to Misikko for selecting me to sample one of their products. The opinions in this review are my own. 


  1. Your hair looks stunning! And you Michelle are *stunning* The hair, makeup, your beautiful smile- all so lovely!

    xoxo A


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