
28 November 2013


This Thanksgiving, I am counting my blessings. It certainly has been a big year, and we have so much to be thankful for.

-I am thankful for the three sweetest babies I could ever be an aunt to. The triplets will turn one next week, and it is a joy to see them grow and constantly do new things. Can we talk about how cute they are too?!

-We took a leap and moved down south, and we are so very lucky to have found true friends that will last a lifetime. We have been welcomed with true southern hospitality, and it has become our home away from home!

-We are closing on a lot next week where Husband and I will build our dream home, raise our family, and grow old together. I could  not be more excited for what the future holds.

-I am thankful for time spent visiting family and friends...there's no place like home for the holidays.

-I am thankful for YOU! Thank you to each of you who have supported Pink Champagne and have allowed me to follow my dream and launch Pink Bubbly. I am so blessed to be able to do what I truly love and send some extra sparkle into the world. We will be popping the bubbly this holiday season!

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours.

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