
08 November 2013

North v. South: Print Mixing

Remember the North v. South Style collaboration from last Spring featuring these lovely ladies? I'm thrilled to announce that the band is back together! We are teaming up again to bring you our favorite Fall trends, and I can guarantee some fabulous looks are in store. (With my move down to South Carolina, I'm now playing for Team South!) To kick the series off, we are mixing of my favorite trends of all time.

Top J.Crew Factory, Skirt J.Crew Factory (similar), Necklace Pink Bubbly, Earrings Kate Spade, Bracelet Pink Bubbly, Watch Timex, Shoes Christian Louboutin, Bag Louis Vuitton

Be sure to visit the other ladies:
Lex What Wear
The Right Shoes
Glitter & Gingham
Julie Leah
Pearls & Twirls

Looking forward to next Friday...stay tuned for our next trend!

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin


  1. Lookin' good lady! You fit right in with us southern girls! ;)

    I love that skirt and it looks so good with the top! Kind of obsessed with the purple and the turquoise together!


  2. I love love love this look! Love the mix of the textures, as well as the prints. You look amazing!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO