
25 October 2013

Pretty Pumpkin Patch

Fall has finally arrived on Hilton Head Island (dare I say it has been a little chilly?), and I'm excited for bundled up walks on the beach, cozying up on our porch, and finally donning some Fall fashion! Autumn also means pumpkins, and they are much better when covered in glitter in my book. How perfect are those gold polka dots for Pink Bubbly?!

Wishing y'all a lovely autumn weekend! 

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin


  1. These pumpkins are adorable!

  2. These are beautiful! I know my girls would be all over this GLITTER! :)

    PS I just updated my blog roll, long overdue I know, and you made the short list (as always)!

    xoxo, Ashley


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