
15 October 2013

DNA of Beautiful Skin

Today, we are diving into the world of beauty! For the past month, I have been treating my skin to a new line of heavenly products. The DNA EGF Renewal Collection is taking younger skin to the scientific level by both correcting and protecting skin. 

Each morning, I apply the following three products to my clean skin: 
Growth factor serum: accelerates the growth of healthy skin cells
Intensive renewal: stimulates skin's DNA repair process and provides wrinkle-smoothing nourishment
UVA & UVB daily protection: combats harmful effects of the sun

In the evenings, I layer these two creams: 
SCS serum: activates and nurtures the skin's cells against aging and degradation
Night renewal: counters damage and restores ideal moisture levels

My skin feels baby soft, and with the big 3-0 looming, I'll do anything possible to prevent wrinkles. Read more about the science behind the product here. (If Bazaar, Elle, and more are singing its praises, this lady is sold.) 

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  1. aa these sound like great products! I may need to go check them out:)

  2. Your skin looks amazing! I def need to look into this! Gorgeous girl : )

  3. Your skin is absolutely glowing! I will need to look into this for sure! Thanks for sharing pretty lady!


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