
03 October 2013

Commodore's Ball

The weekend is nearly here again, and I am still reeling from last weekend's yacht club festivities. Thursday evening was our New Members Welcome, where we were introduced to the board and mingled over cocktails and hors d'oeuvres. Saturday night kicked off the start of a new club year in style, as we got decked out in black tie attire for the Commodore's Ball.

A divine dinner, dancing all night to a fabulous band, and sipping champagne on the arm of my mister made for the perfect evening. Here is a glimpse into the enchanted evening: 

The St. Martin Getaway gown by Erin Fetherston was the perfect choice for the evening...Rent the Runway to the rescue!

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin


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