
15 August 2013

Under the Dock

Since moving to Hilton Head Island, I have been spending a lot of time with this dock...sitting on the dock to watch the sunset, walking under the dock along the beach, looking at the Gatsby-esque green light across the water. A day on the beach in my favorite new Lilly dress (can we TALK about that BOW?!) was no exception. 

In a dress that just screams fun, prepare for lots of twirling, beach frolicking, and air kisses. You've been warned.

Dress Lilly Pulitzer, Earrings Kate Spade, Bracelets Kate Spade, J.Crew, Gorjana, Necklace Cara 

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin


  1. Love this and your Kate Spade Bracelet!

    XOXO Jess

  2. LOVE that bow! I saw the dress is stores but definitely did not notice that sweet detail!
    xx, Emily
    shell chic'd

  3. That dress is SO cute! I've seen it in a few Lilly stores and have always wanted to try it on. :-) You wear it so well HHI looks like a beautiful place to live.

    xoxo Miss ALK


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