
06 August 2013

Junior League of Savannah

When we decided to move south, I knew one of my first missions would be to join the Junior League of Savannah. What better way to meet a lovely group of ladies, volunteer in my community, and make instant friends? My first meeting here on Hilton Head Island was last night, and I was totally right. These ladies are fabulous!

Photo via

With a menu consisting of champagne, cupcakes, and nibbles, I immediately knew I among my people. Our meeting was filled with girly chatter, event and program planning, and new friendships in bloom. I am thrilled to be a part of such a wonderful group, and I cannot wait to see these ladies again soon. (A lunch date may have already been scheduled with a couple new besties.)    

Fancy another glass of pink champagne? Follow along on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterestBloglovin


  1. So fun!!! I've thought about trying to join here but I am so busy already I just don't know if I could cut it!

    Glad you're enjoying Savannah, I am dying to make a trip down there.



  2. Sounds great time! I'm living overseas right now, but I definitely look forward to joining JL when we move back Stateside (wherever that may be)!

  3. JL is how I put down roots friend-wise in NYC!:)

  4. So fun! Hope you're enjoying being a southern belle!!!


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