
12 June 2013

Perfect Pair

When I heard that Sarah Jessica Parker and Manolo Blahnik were teaming up, I let out a little squeal! If my years of Sex and the City watching have taught me anything, it's that this pair is a match made it heaven. I cannot wait to see what SJB and MB come up's sure to be fabulous.

Photo via

Manolo. Blahnik. Mary. Janes. I thought these were an urban shoe myth! -CB

PS: As we're packing up our house, the only movie not trapped in a box bound with packing tape is Sex and the City...I may have watched it three times in the past few days.


  1. LOVE SATC! I could watch it over and over again!

  2. I agree! She is the ONE! And I am excited what the result of this cooperation is!
    Love, Ines


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