
05 April 2013

North v. South: Black & White

Today is the big day, and I am SO excited for our reveal! Our six week Spring fashion collaboration has begun so buckle up.

Each week, six fabulous bloggers (three up north, three down south) will select one of our favorite Spring trends and style an outfit. So fun, right?! The mister and I hit the streets of town...he clicked while I twirled. Without further ado, I present week 1: Black & White.

Black and white is huge for Spring, and I always love to add a pop of color (pink of course!)

A nod to nautical, the stripes of this tank dress called my name. 

This necklace is one of my favorites...I accessorize with it whenever possible. 

Outfit details: Dress Old Navy, Purse Kate Spade, Shoes Cole Haan (similar), Necklace TJ Maxx find, Bangles J.Crew & Kate Spade, Watch Kate Spade, Sunnies Loft

Be sure to check out everyone's outfit posts below! These are some seriously fashionable ladies.

Until next week...


  1. I am crazy about the necklace and the bag. You look amazing!

  2. You look terrific! I love your bag and necklace. I have taken a look and I think the North may have won round one :)

  3. Are you up north? Where abouts? That street looks like nantucket - or the vineyard - or even north shore of Boston... Very cute!

  4. I really like this idea you guys have going! Love the contrast of the pink necklace against the black

  5. This post literally made me start singing every little thing she does is magic....!! These are going to be fantabulous posts!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  6. Eeeeee! I haven't been this excited in a long time! Now that everyone's posts are live, I'm even more obsessed! You look stunning - I hope you keep doing outfit posts after the series ;)


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO