
27 April 2013

My Best Friend's Wedding

One of my best friends is getting married this weekend! My oldest friend, this pretty lady and I go back to nursery school days. I am thrilled to watch her exchange vows with her perfect match, toast with my besties, and spin around the dance floor with the mister. 

Role reversal! Here we are at my wedding in August, 2010...this weekend she will be the bride, I will be the bridesmaid.  

Be sure to follow along on Instagram for a glimpse into the festivities! 


  1. Oh now that is one beautiful photo! How exciting! Have fun!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  2. Two pretty gals! Congratulations to her on her upcoming wedding! So exciting. :)

  3. If she looks even half as pretty as you did on your wedding day, her pictures will be fabulous :) have a wonderful time! xx

  4. beautiful picture of both of you! the wedding looked amazing on instagram


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