
05 February 2013

#IFB Con, New York City, & LOVE

I am loving life and beyond excited for the days to come. 

Photo via

Today I am hopping on a train and heading into the big city for a week of fashion and fun. Julie Leah and I are attending the most fashionable conference of the year...IFB Con. We will paint the city pink shopping, dining, and sipping champagne at all of our favorite spots. Did I mention that I am beyond giddy over wine sipping/cheese nibbling with Blair's Headband and Pink Preppy Lilly Lover?! I also plan on being quite productive visiting vendor showrooms while in the city. To top it all off, we will be there to celebrate the kickoff of New York Fashion Week. Parfait, oui?    

Follow along all the fun on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It's sure to be fabulous! Big kisses from the Big Apple! XX 

1 comment:

Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO