
24 January 2013

Spring According to Oscar

Spring has sprung at Oscar de la Renta, and I'm in love! Ladylike elegance and sophistication, Oscar wowed me once again with this collection. Did I mention the campaign photography is to die?

All photos belong to Oscar de la Renta via

The black and white ballgown was one of my favorites from the runway during Fashion Week, and these photos are beyond stunning. I'm wrapped in fur and the thermostat says 6 degrees, but I'm dreaming of sunshine and wishing for Spring with Oscar! XX


  1. In my not-so-humble opinion, I don't think anyone can touch Oscar's ball gowns. All of his collections are just so stunning!

    Haute Child in the City

  2. That black and white gown is one of my favorites ever!! So stunning!

  3. leave it to Oscar to make great, tailored pieces

  4. I have been oogling that striped dress since it debuted on the runway! Love the blue and pink dresses with the black lace as well. ;)


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