
12 January 2013

Birthday Celebrations!

Today, I turn 29 and Husband & I are spending the weekend celebrating in the city! We will visit my favorite three little triplets in the world, toast with champagne cocktails, dine at a French restaurant and pretend we are in Paris, do lots of window shopping, and stroll the beautiful streets. 

In honor of my 29th birthday, I am throwing myself a little blog celebration filled with my party favorites. Have a cupcake and pop the bubbly!

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Photo credits: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Big kisses from the birthday girl! XX



  1. Happy Birthday, gorgeous girl!! Hope you have a fabulous day and that M spoils you rotten! Big kisses! xx

  2. HAPPY Birthday!!! May you have the happiest one yet!

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Have a wonderful time in the city celebrating!

  4. Happy Birthday sweets, loved seeing the party favourites. Glitter and Champagne what a combination! X

  5. Happy Birthday...I've loved seeing all your pics on IG!

  6. Wishing you the very happiest of birthdays and best wishes for another fabulous year! :)


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO