
07 December 2012

Fa la la!

This is one of my favorite times of year...cozying up by the fire with the Christmas tree list, shopping for gifts galore, wrapping with glitzy bows, party planning and party hopping, and of course listening to Christmas carols. Lately, I have been listening to the Glee Christmas album on repeat to get me through long days in the office, but here are some of my all time favorites: 

"All I want for Christmas":  This will forever be at the top of my list. 
"Baby it's cold outside": Husband and I do quite the duet of this...teehee.
"Christmas Shoes": Instant ugly cry. Sobs. 
"Last Christmas": The Hilary Duff version, obviously. 
"Santa can you hear me?": Britney Spears - Merry Christmas to teenie-boppers everywhere. 

What's at the top of your Christmas playlist? Merry, merry! 



  1. I love Glee's version of "O Holy Night"! I'll be checking out these other ones.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Hun!

  2. I know this will make me sound much older than I am but I just love any Christmas song that Dean Martin sang!

  3. i have to agree with the mariah "all i want for christmas is you" - it isn't christmast without that song!!

    i'd love for you to pop over and enter my giveaway!


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