
17 October 2012

One, Two, Three!

Hi lovelies! If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I hosted my sister-in-law's baby shower this past weekend. The big news: THREE babies are on the way! Two little boys and one little girl will be welcomed into our family in January, and we are all ecstatic! 

My mother and I had a ball planning and went to town with the pink and blue theme in is a glimpse into the day filled with love.  

We had the perfect day filled with cake pops, signature champagne cocktails, fluffy hangings, presents, and pink and blue galore. I could not be happier for my brother and sister-in-law...I cannot wait to meet the three little loves! XX 


  1. What a fun shower! I love all the pics! Looks like it was oh, so fabulous! Best of luck to your brother and SIL. You will have to give us some updates on these sweet little blessings come January!

  2. Congrats to your family! What a joy!!

  3. 3 babies, oh my...that's going to be so much fun! I am sure the girls will want to burrow everything in your closet! xx

  4. Looooooooooooove these photos!!! What a FUN party!!! THREE babies-- how exciting!!!

  5. I love the "I hope you ignore--bad fashion trends" answer! Congratulations on such exciting news for your family. Sending lots of happiness and healthy wishes their way! :)


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