
11 June 2012

Champagne Celebrations!

Pop the bubbly! We have lots to celebrate here at Pink Champagne! 

Are you all as obsessed with the Glitter Guide as I am? I personally believe that everything in life should be sprinkled with glitter, and the fabulous Glitter Guide turns one today! Cheers to you, GG!

photo via

Husband and I celebrated the 6 year anniversary of the fateful night we met with a romantic weekend of dinner dates and lounging by the water... we popped the bubbly on the boat yesterday and clinked our glasses!

Here is a sneak peek into the Belmont Stakes bridal shower I attended on Saturday... I was in my element in my new Lilly Maybell dress and big derby hat!

All photos my own...prettied up by Instagram. Find the Maybell dress here



  1. Oh. My. God. the hat and dress combo are PERFECT!

  2. Happy Celebrating! That photo of your You Gotta Regatta tote on the boat screams summer!

  3. Gorgeous photos! Oh so pink!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madame Spoiled

  4. Lovely pictures! Your tote on the boat definitely defines summer! Loving your hat. xo

  5. You are too adorable, MPC! Happy Anniversary GG! And the water and boatride look so inviting! Happy Cute Meet Anniversary! And as I mentioned on Instagram, that dress is so cute with that hat! I'm lovin following you on Instagram, sweets! Ahd thanks for dropping by today! xoxo

    Sandy M

  6. That's one of my favorite dresses!! You look gorgeous! Oh, and yes I do think everything should be sprinkled with glitter! Love the Glitter Guide!

  7. how great! I would love to be on a boat with champagne :)

  8. Your outfit is pure perfection! Cheers to a fabulous weekend. :)


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO