11 May 2012

Galas, Bridal Showers, and Mommas

Happy Friday, lovelies! I am finally settling back in after our trip, and I promise lots of photos to come soon. Until then, I have a very busy weekend ahead of me! Tonight, I am attending a charity gala at the golf club that a friend of mine is chairing. I will be wearing this lovely Lilly: 

A college roommate's bridal shower is at the country club Saturday morning, and I cannot wait to catch up with my college besties. After that, I am headed into the city for some alfresco dining and drinks with girlfriends (and perhaps a little shopping...tee hee)

I will be celebrating my wonderful Mother and Mother-in-Law on Sunday with all kinds of Mother's Day festivities. Wishing all the mommas out there a fabulous day! 

Also from instagram: a snapshot of today's Friday Fashion. I'm loving mixing bright colors and prints right now. 



JMB said...

I am in love with that dress! You will look gorgeous!

Muffy said...


Anonymous said...

We must be fashion soul mates ... I'm wearing that dress in black to a wedding next weekend and I wore that necklace to dinner tonight! :)

Margarita Bloom said...

Such pretty colors! Love how have the Vogue Mag in the background of your pic! *wink*