
21 February 2012

The Vow

Tonight, I have a mother/daughter date of dinner and a movie. I have been dying to see "The Vow" since the first time I laid eyes on the trailer, and I am so excited to finally see the full movie.  

Already crying. We'll see if I can hold it together tonight in the theater. Teehee. Have any of you seen it? What did you think?

Sending happy Mardi Gras wishes to my bloggie besties in NOLA! Husband has already informed me that he got a mask and beads for me at his office. XX


  1. Hope you have a blast! I have a Mardi Gras date with the fiance for Mexican and margaritas tonight. ;)

  2. Honey, I just get choked up on this one! It has to be viewed in the privacy of my own home! I did take in Reese in 'This Means War,' and LOOOOVED it! Hope you and your Mama have fun with a capital F!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten

    *beads on tomorrow!!*

  3. i cannot wait to see the vow. the sister and i have a date to see it this sunday.

    you'll have to let us know how lovely it was!

  4. Hope you had a lovely Mardi Gras! Ooh, let me know how the movie is...can't wait to see it. :)


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