
29 February 2012

Pink Champagne Cake Pops

Do these have my name all over them, or what? Pink. Champagne. Cake. Pops.

When bloggie bestie Trish sent me the link to these delectable treats, I knew immediately that I would simply have to try them, and that I would have to share them with all of you!

Gorgeous, oh-so mouthwatering, and topped with glitter, too! The PERFECT excuse to throw a little soiree in my book. You can find the recipe here at Sweetapolita (don't you just adore that name?). Bon apetit! 


  1. Oh they are so pretty!!
    I made champagne truffles last year...they were pretty tasty!

  2. they look good! cake pops are one of my favorites

  3. OH MY these look great!

  4. Those cake pops are some of the PRETTIEST I have seen - I know the trend has been done to death but those are the nicest ones I have seen!


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