
27 February 2012

Lusting Over

While I am busy NOT shopping, these lovelies are sitting in my inbox taunting me...  

Gorgeous hues! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that everything isn't sold out by Easter... XOXO 


  1. im on a not shopping/spending cut back and its making me miserable!!

  2. Darling choices! Your patience will pay off I am sure.

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten

  3. I LOVE these hues!!! So very ready for spring and pastels!! If loving them is wrong, I don't wanna be right! lol

    To answer your question from the blog today, I don't know who makes the coat .. I thought it was divine too! It almost looks like they took that pretty lace and fur collar and tied it with the ribbon on top of the pink coat's collar! The photo was from a tumblr, so there's limited information! If we could find it, I'd want one too! ;)

    Have a great week, sweets!

    Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou


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