
23 January 2012

Winter Wonderland

 Husband and I were snowed in this weekend, and I just loved staying warm and cozy with him by the fire as the snow fell out the window... 

all photos via and via

Can't the snow be oh-so romantic? Le sigh. 

Sending warm and toasty wishes to all of you! 


  1. I love these pictures!!! So beautiful

  2. There's not much I love more than a fresh snow. How gorgeous! :)

  3. We have yet to have a snow yet here and I'm hoping to have one good one before spring! Just enough to play a little and snuggle with lots of hot chocolate!

  4. Gorgeous photos!
    We had an indoor day Saturday too! I used the entire day to create my very own Pink Palace...ala...Lilly home office/craft room! I am putting the finishing touches on tonight! Squeals of joy and glee here! Let's just say it is even complete with pink and green walls, and a pre~lit palm tree that has pink flamingo lights too! I love an indoor productive day like that!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madam Spoiled

  5. It has been so warm and humid here that it's hard to imagine seeing snow! But these images certainly take me away! They are gorgeous. We're headed to NYC this weekend and are hoping for some lovely winter weather!

  6. these pictures are AMAZING!! thanks for sharing :)

  7. i wish we would have gotten enough to get snowed jealous!

  8. What a romantic picture you paint! ;) Sounds like a perfect snowy weekend! I also love being out in the snow and how it feels to come back into the warmth again for a cup of cocoa ... makes you feel like a kid again!

    Thanks so much, lovely, for stopping by to see me ... such a SWEET comment! sending love ~ xo

    Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou


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