
30 January 2012

Found It!

For all you Massachusetts girls out there...

Are you loving Lilly's new "State of Mind" print for Spring too? You can find your state here. Can't wait to share all my faves with you and hear all about yours!

In other news, I'm nearly as excited about tonight's Royal Wedding episode of Gossip Girl as I was for the REAL Royal Wedding... Team Chuck forever! XO


  1. Love the new Lilly stuff! I was just at a fashion show yesterday for Lilly stuff for Lifeguard press and it was so cute! Your blog is so cute! Now following! :]

  2. I am alllll over this print! I have to have!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madam Spoiled

  3. Hello from the Emerald City! Love your sassy blog and your bold fashion sense =) Not everyone can pull off this colorful, adorable print (or even attempt to). Thanks for sharing! Go Team Chuck! Lol, don't spoil it for me...I haven't even started watching the 5th Season...bummer.

  4. Ahh, I tried to look on the website, but there was no way I could zoom enough to find Va, I may have to go into the store and search in person!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO