
18 January 2012

Charleston Girl

Does anyone remember when I called on all my Southern ladies for advice on must-sees during our New Year's trip to Charleston? Your recommendations were fantastic, and now it's time to share photos from our trip down South. Husband and I just fell in love with the charming town, and this lady was seriously considering becoming a Southern belle!

I was ecstatic to see all the PINK in the lovely Southern historic architecture. May I move in, si vous plait? 

Christmas decorations were still up... white lights make me giddy! 

The cuisine was divine, and we enjoyed fine dining at Macintosh, Poogan's Porch, Virginia's on King, and Rue de Jean, and yummy cocktails at Husk's bar, the Pavillion rooftop bar, and the Speakeasy. Did I mention we found a macaroon boutique?!

Sailing on our friend's boat was lovely, and the views of Charleston and Fort Sumter from the water were magnificient!

Shopping on King Street was just as I imagined... it didn't take this lady long to find Lilly and Louis! 

Rickshaw rides were our primary form of transportation - perfect to take in the scenery! 

The Calhoun Mansion was one of my favorite spots... did y'all know that it was the home used in the Notebook? Photos were not allowed inside, but I took plenty outside... you can take a full tour on their site.

Finally, we had a fabulous time ringing in 2012 with lots of champagne kisses at the Grand Ball held at the aquarium.  Happy New Year from Madame and Monsieur Champagne! 



  1. WOW! I want to live there & ion that pink house, sooo beautiful! great couple too, thanks for sharing :)

  2. It looks like a great time! What a beautiful city. :)

  3. Oh my gosh... GORGEOUS pictures... especially that last one of you two! Beautiful.. and what a wonderful place :)

  4. It looks like you all has a wonderful NYE in hit all the stops! I love all of the Christmas decor...happy 2012! xx

  5. What a fabulous trip--the boyfriend and I are looking into planning a Charleston trip this spring!

  6. What fab pictures!! Every scene is just so charming! How could you not fall in love with Charleston, makes me want to pack my bags right now!!

  7. Oh.My.Gosh!!! I HAVE to go back to Charleston for a visit -this is the first I have heard of a Macaroon Boutique! That just made my day!! :) I am only a couple hours from Charleston.
    Great photos~Rue de Jean is one of my faves!

  8. Isn't Charleston amazing?! This post makes me miss the Lowcountry. We spent four wonderful years there with many weekend trips to Charleston. Rue de Jean is one of my very favorites!!!

  9. Now you two did it up right!
    What a lovely stroll down YOUR memory lane! Smashing!!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...aka...Madam Spoiled

  10. charleston looks like such a great little town! Its on my list of places to go for sure

  11. What a wonderful trip! I have to visit Charleston!

  12. You now have me dreaming of another visit to that wonderful city.

  13. You and your mister are so adorable. Such a classy couple!


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