
01 December 2011

Fa La La La Oooh La La!

Have you all made your Christmas wish lists? Have you been swooning over online gift guides and getting lots of fantastic ideas? Lilly's gift guide certainly struck my fancy, and I just fell in L-O-V-E with the festive photos for each category! 

all images via

My only problem... what if I fit into all gift categories and simply cannot choose??? Tee hee. Warm weekend wishes to you all! XOXO


  1. Santa Baby, slip soooooome (or lots) of Lilly under the tree for me!

    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten

  2. Oh my goodness!!! I love those pictures. I think that's what I imagine my life will look like each time I buy something from Lilly..they have me brainwashed and I still can't get enough! TGIF! Virginia

  3. I've got the exact Cassie on it's way to me, and own the Elsa you've featured. Planning on wearing it to holiday events! :) Great post!

  4. GORGEOUS pictures! I want that blue shirt and white jean outfit!

  5. One of the most fun things about the season are all of the catalogues, on-line shopping "trips" and excitement in the stores ... I love it all (until the stores become c-r-a-z-yyyyyyy ;) We haven't chatted for a bit, so hope the holiday season is wonderful for you so far! xoxoxoxo PS If you need gift tags, this week on the blog I've illustrated two Tiffany-inspired pairs of holiday stilettos and placed them on gift tags to download for free and print ~ my gift to my loves! xoxo (also available on the download page are last year's tags of the pug on the chair with wrapping paper and the shopping girl!)

    Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou
    This Week: "A Very Sparkly Christmas" with free stiletto gift tags!

  6. I love that striped Cassie! I hope I can make it into my Lilly store soon to try on all the lovelies! xoxo


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO