
12 December 2011

Bendel's Girl

Bonjoir! Husband and I are back from our NYC extravaganza and I have so much to share with you! One of our first stops when we arrived in the city was the classic fashion landmark Henri Bendel. If you are not already familiar, please allow me to introduce you to the magical girly world of Bendel's. 

Known for those brown and white stripes and the ultimate in accessories, Bendel's is mecca to the girly girl. 

Isn't their holiday campaign just the cutest with all those kicking legs?  

I adore the style of the Bendel's sketches, don't you?! 

I picked up a few treats for myself - the classic hinged bangle and rivet studs... I have a feeling these will be my new day-to-day go-to pieces. 

I'm thinking I may need this book too... love! 

Are you a Bendel's girl too??? 

all images via

Kiss, kiss!


  1. Those illustrations are so beautiful!

  2. Belli i disegni di shopping con la donnina e il cane!

    Baci Marcella

  3. No way--I'm wearing those earrings right now! Love love love Bendels and so glad you had such a fab time. :)

  4. These images are gorgeous! I want one framed!! PS Just got the pink TBs I ordered in the mail from Neimans. They're tres amazing!!


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