
25 November 2011


Today, I am reminding myself of all that I am so very thankful for: 

-a wonderful man I am lucky enough to call my husband
-a family filled with love
-sparkly shoes with bows on the toes
-turkey dinners and baked apple pies
-decorating our home with Christmas decor galore
-lifelong friendships
-the start of holiday shopping season
-soirees and champagne toasts
-being blessed with a new job (and pink & green office) that I love
-Lilly prints
-fabulous blog friends - you!
-all that God has blessed me with

Wishing you all a lovely Thanksgiving with friends and family. XOXO


  1. Can't wait to see pics of your holiday home decor! I have no doubt it will be gorgeous!

    Happy Thanksgiving, a day late!

  2. Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Much love and thankfulness to you, my friend. xoxo


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO