
27 October 2011

Pink & Green Pops of Color

 My head tells me that it is October, Halloween is looming this weekend, and the holidays are not far behind... buuuuut I just cannot help that my heart is in the new Spring collections! Take one look at the lovely pink and green pops of color Kate Spade has in store for us, and you must understand.

all photos via

Swooning over all those pretty polka dots, flowy fabrics, cheeky quotes, bright colors, and fabulously fun accessories. Kate Spade, I love you. 

Happy Pink & Green Thursday, sweetie-pies!


  1. Oooh, gorgeous! You know I love my vibrant colors! *wink*

  2. That "EAT CAKE FOR BREAKFAST" tote is at the top of my spring wishlist. These pictures are ALL too cute for words. ;)

  3. I'm not usually a big orange girl, but that last outfit is gorgeous!!


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