
13 October 2011

Little Blue Taxi with a Big White Bow

Can't you just imagine strolling the streets of London in a ladylike dress and heels, hailing one of the lovely Tiffany taxis? When I saw these photos on Tiffany's Facebook page, I was completely smitten. 

I could spot that signature Tiffany blue from a mile away! The perfect vehicle for some city sight-seeing... 

... and to carry me from shop to shop, ending at the landmark Harrods! This may be cause for a trip to London... 


  1. That's adorable! Perhaps the only other combination better than pink and green!

  2. Stop it right now! I have not seen these taxis, and I want to ride in one :) I'm going to message my friend in London now to see if she's had a ride!

  3. i saw a picture on pinterest the other day of one of these....too amazing! Maybe they will come to NYC soon

  4. That is the most fabulous taxi in the entire world!! I would love to ride in it!!! Happy Friday xoxo


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