
21 September 2011

La Tour Eiffel

Happy Wednesday, lovelies! I have so missed linking up with the darling Daphne for Semi-Wordless Wednesday, so today I'm letting the photos do all the talking... La Tour Eiffel is one of my absolute favorite things, and I get positively giddy each time I see it. Trés chic and trés French. It still gives me goosebumps! (Husband and I also have a tradition of kissing each time we see it while in Paris... another reason for me to love it all the more!) 

Close your eyes and pretend you are in Par-ee with me! 

Stunning during the daytime...

And sparkling under the stars... 

...with twinkly Kate Spade toes! J'adore la Tour Eiffel! 

Bisou, bisou! 


  1. ah J'adore aussi la tour eiffel. Quand j'etais a Paris, Je l'ai vu en lumiere a onze heure du soir. C'etait magnifique!

    stopping by from Flip Flops and Pearls! :)

  2. I LOVE Paris so much... it's my favorite place in the world. It's just so elegant and fabulous!

    My first time stopping by... I LOVE your name... so fabulous! Looking forward to following you... XOXO, Stephanie @ Blonde Highlights

    PS: Those "sparkling" Louboutin's are absolutely amazing

  3. How gorgeous. The Eiffel Tower looks so beautiful all lit up. *sigh*

    I have those shoes in gold on my Christmas list (Yes, it's early, but I'm a planner. He he.). Keeping my fingers crossed!

  4. Oh how I would love to go to Paris. I absolutely love all of your pictures. I seriously need to get those Kate Spade heels!


  5. Paris is on my schedule . . .very inspiring

  6. LOVE the picture of your pretty sparklies with the Eiffel Tower! SO cute. PB and I ADORE Paris. I'm trying to convince him we need to go back. Like. Next weekend :)

  7. What a great photo with your gorgeous shoes! Nothing says Paris quite like La Tour Eiffel! ;)

  8. Moi aussi, it's the title of my next novel! J'ADORE PARIS! Isabelle


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO