
13 September 2011

French Designers

I'm back after a whirlwind wedding weekend, and back to Paris we go! Let's go shopping, shall we? I have a sneaky suspicion that some of us blog ladies could be lethal shopping companions, oui?

(On a side-note, Glitterista and I were discussing a blogger rendezvous at next year's Fashion's Night Out... who's in?!?!)

As the fashion capital of the world, Paris boasts a lengthy list of lust-worthy designers. This lady was in hea-ven. Let's shop!

"I fell. I fell in Dior, so I decided that the more I purchased, the less they think of me as the American who fell in Dior." Yes, ladies, this is the site of Carrie Bradshaw's infamous spill.

Another Dior, where my feet got a special treat!

Hermés. Time to swoon over some scarves and bracelets.

I spotted this from a mile away...

Signature orange.


Strutting to the Chanel in Place Vendome to try on some jewels.

Galeries Lafayette... a shopper's mecca.

Christian Louboutin... the home of the red sole.

Reunited with my love on the Champs-Elysées.

Amazing window displays... hot air balloons and Louis suitcases!

To die.

How lucky am I to have a husband who loves to shop by my side and spoil me silly? Until tomorrow, mes amours...

Bisou, bisou!


  1. I want to go! Gorgeous photos and you are looking tres chic! xx

  2. Oh so jealous! I can't wait to do some shopping this weekend! :)

  3. What a fabulous husband! :) These pictures are making me want to jump on a plane and jet to Paris tout-de-suite! Love your pink dress. It is perfect for shopping down the Champs-Élysées. I'd love to know what goodies you have in your bag!

    I hope lots of fun bloggers can come to FNO next year--I do think it'd be the perfect bloggie meet-up. ;)

  4. Love these photos. Thanks so much for sharing! Makes me want to go....desperately!!

  5. helllllo gorgeous!! where is that dress you are wearing from?? i love love love and must have!

  6. Ok... mouth watering images, and I can only dream to have a huz like that one day! (be calm my collegiate heart) WHERE can I find the dress you have on? I adore.



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