
11 August 2011

Splashes of Pink

Since the Glitter Guide launched in June, it has quickly become one of my must-reads. When I received an email from these sparkly ladies featuring an article entitled "Hot Pink Accents", I knew I would fall head over heels. Feast your eyes on this, ladies!

Did you spy the ruffly skirt, the fun prints, and the gorgeous accent chairs? I say you can always add more PINK!

Link up with the gorgeous Trish and play along! XO


  1. I saw the pink mixer with the bf last weekend at Williams-Sonoma last weekend and nearly fainted it was so perfect! Wow, I love hot pink. ;)

  2. One can never have enough pink!I love it here...I am your newest follower...Pinkim from TrulySimplyPink

  3. Oooh I love it all and I can see why you do too! I'm most definitely checking out the Glitter Guide. ;)

  4. i love the eloise quote; "think pink, a better way of life"

    so true!


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