
01 August 2011

Deborah (and Pink Champagne) LOVE:

When I see a "Deborah loves" email from Kate Spade in my inbox, my little heart starts to pitter-patter since I can almost guarantee I will fall in love too. Last week's email was no exception, and I was just giddy to learn more about Lillian Bassman in the interview and ooh and aah at the glamorous black and white photos!

Here is the photo selected for the Kate Spade capsule collection... isn't it to die?

One of my favorite quotes from the interview was when she described a photo she took in Paris:

"when i first arrived in paris [with barbara mullen], either she or i had a room with a balcony, and mrs. snow [harper’s bazaar editor-in-chief at the time] had sent a chiffon dress from… one of the runway shows, and it was on a rooftop—a very simple background—but there was something magical about the way she framed herself in the doorway.

i don’t know if it was the dress or barbara or the hour—it’s remained with me all these years. i can see her there, the wind blowing, her gesture, her excitement at being in paris. the whole nostalgia of the rooftops in paris was there at that moment."

Are you in love too? You can read the entire interview here and shop the KS collection here.

Have a marvelous Monday, my dears!


  1. What a beautiful picture, and I love the story behind it!

  2. I LOVE your playlist so much I kept it on while reading all my blogs this morning! I always love -reading yours-so classy and cute!

  3. I've been avoiding the KS website--I don't think shop-deprived me can handle the temptation right now, hehe! I did glance at that email though and ahh the glamour of black and white photos!


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