
19 July 2011


I have BIG news for you, ladies! Husband is planning a surprise trip for our one year wedding anniversary (August 28 is the big day!), and I'm just bursting with excitement. Since he simply cannot hold it in until then, we decided I will get hints leading up to the trip, and he will reveal our destination to me on August 8 (the day we had gotten engaged) to give me ample time to decide what to pack! 

Here are the hints I have received so far:
-We will not be able to eat our wedding cake on our actual anniversary (AKA we cannot bring it on the plane)
-There is fabulous shopping in this destination. 
-I will need my passport. (squeeeee!)    
-It is VERY romantic.

I definitely have my guess, but I cannot reveal it at the risk of jinxing anything... Can any of you crack the code? Time will tell!

Happy Monday! XOXO


  1. How very exciting; what a cute way to reveal the place to you!

  2. SO exciting!! I have my guesses too...can't wait to hear where it is! :)

  3. What a fun husband! Can't wait to hear more hints and of course, where you're going! ;)

  4. Can we guess? I say Milan or Florence Italy! :)


  5. This is so exciting!!! I'm thinking Paris!!!!

  6. Oh my goooooooodness!!! What a romantic husband, lucky girl! Could it be Paris? When someone says romantic that's the first thing that pops into my mind. Could be Italy ... Greece? OH MY GOSH you must be going crazy with wonder!! One time my husband blindfolded me (no not that kind tee hee) on a Friday night and wouldn't tell me where we were going. He took my blindfold off at the airport and we were flying away just for a weekend getaway to palm trees and beach ... I thought that was very romantic and it happened spur of the moment to me ... you have ALL this time to wonder! Congrats! xoxo

    Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou

  7. Very exciting! It isn't just notice to pack but to do some shopping if need be

  8. Surprise trips??! That is the most romantic thing I've ever heard. Love it. Can't wait to hear where you're going!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO