
03 June 2011

Reunion Weekend

Happy Friday, my loves! I have had a super-busy week, but I cannot wait to catch up with you all (and I have lots of photos to share still from my trips to South Carolina and Nantucket...soon, pinky promise). This weekend, Husband and I are headed to my alma mater to celebrate my 5 year college reunion. There are festivities galore planned and we will be party-party-partying like it's 2006! (Insert Prince tune here... are you dancing too?)

Here I am (on the left) with my 5 roomies almost exactly 5 years ago... I cannot wait to be back on campus and sleeping in our old apartment like old times. How far we have all come since then! 1 baby has been born, 2 weddings have taken place (1 OURS!!), 1 wedding is just 2 weeks away, and 2 engagements have just happened. So much to celebrate as our grown-up selves!

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend from Pink Champagne, the college years. XOXO


  1. Yes, it does seem like time flies and before you know it we're all grown up! :) So many exciting things happening for you and your friends though! :)

  2. Ahh, so fun! I wish we had a college reunion -- sounds like a wonderful weekend!!

  3. Hope you have a beautiful weekend, my dear!!


  4. Congrats and I'll be looking forward to your photos!

    Michelle ;)


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