
18 May 2011

You know you love me...XOXO

I'm fairly certain I have discussed my Gossip Girl obsession with all of you. So, you may be surprised that I was not glued to my TV on Monday for the season finale, but I was awaiting this night for a slightly different reason. You see, I had fallen behind on my weekly indulgence and would not allow myself to watch current episodes until I was completely caught up. After many marathons with the dvd sets of Season 1, 2, and 3, I was totally up to speed in the lives of Chuck and Blair, but I had missed the beginning of Season 4. (Read: I have to wait until Season 4 is completely over, buy the dvds - release date still pending, and begin another marathon session. I may totally pre-order it online now... I need a Blair Waldorf fashion fix immediately!)

For Semi-Wordless Wednesday with sweetie-pie Daphne, let's swoon over some of the gorgeous looks brought to us by the show we so adore.   



all photos via

Oh, Blair... can I pretty please have your entire closet??? Le sigh.

You know you love me... XOXO, Gossip Girl


  1. LOL, when I read the title, it made me think of the Justin Bieber song....I am not even sure what it's called, maybe thats the name:) But it's so catcy, I like it:)

    Thanks for linking up doll! Can you believe I have NEVER watched this show? (shhhhhh)


  2. UGH BLOGGER JUST ATE MY POST or something...
    trying again...
    cliff notes this time-

    thanks for linking up!
    I have never seen this show, shhhhh


  3. I've never really gotten into gossip girl, but I LOVED just scrolling through these pictures...I wish I looked HALF as good as that in high school and now! I want it all!

  4. Okay, so I've never watched the show, but I am drooling over all the fashion. Yes, yes, yes! :)

  5. I soooooooo want to watch this show.
    This is on my must do list now.

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  6. I came dropping in from the "Flip Flops & Pearls" linky, read this post and immediately knew I had to follow. DD and I are devoted fans of Gossip Girl, we don't miss an episode, even if we have to watch it on DVR delay.


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO