
09 May 2011

Tents, Trolleys, and Brunches

I hope all the mommas out there had a lovely Mother's Day yesterday! Our weekend was packed with fab soirees and I just have to share a few photos with you, my bloggie girlfriends. On Saturday evening, Husband and I attended a couple's shower for our close friends C&P.

The event was held in a beautiful tent,

filled with personal touches,

complete with breathtaking views,

lots of pink, green, and navy,

and dock photo-ops,

all aglow overlooking the harbor.

From there, I was off to my college roommate's bachelorette party, where we frolicked all over the city in a trolley and bar-hopped. I apologize for no photos... my wristlet did not allow the space for a camera!

Sunday morning was Mother's Day Brunch at the Champagne Chateau, where we celebrated Mother and Mother-in-Law.

Husband picked fresh flowers from our beds...

I set the table...

and made a french toast casserole!

Sending big hugs and kisses to my Mother and MIL - we are so blessed to have such wonderful ladies in our lives! XOXO


  1. What a wonderful weekend!! Looks like everything was just beautiful...and yummy (ahem, french toast casserole?!!). Hope your week is off to a fantastic start, darling!


  2. Looks like a fun and beautiful shower! Your Mothers day brunch looks so yummy!

  3. Hey there beautiful gal! What a perfectly glowing and gorgeous tent, I am sure it was the perfect backdrop for such a festive event! Your table setting is so lovely too (way to go hubby picking out such pretty flowers!) You must share this fab french toast casserole recipe, pretty please? :) Love love love youuu! xoxo

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend!! I wish you had taken a larger purse, LOL!!!

    You MUST link this recipe Friday for the recipe swap girlfriend!!

  5. This is precious! How lucky you are!

  6. Wow, that shower looks absolutely gorgeous! How are they going to top that at the wedding?


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO