
04 May 2011

Picture Perfect

This may be the most perfect picture. I simply adore everything about it: the pink classic car, those amazing hats, the vintage glamour, hot pink lips and nails... I get simply giddy looking at it!

I'm playing along with the lovely Daphne of Flip Flops & Pearls for Semi-Wordless Wednesday, and I thought this picture said it all. Link up and play along too, merci!


  1. and the perfect song to go with!
    totally want to grab some girlfriends on go on a shopping road trip, in PARIS!

  2. so cute! I love this photo and everything pink about it!

  3. I HEART YOU! You're so sweet!

    I love this image & the music is perfect!

    We need to be in that car:)

  4. Love it, love it, love it. All you need is the song "Shopping" by the Supersisters! ;)

  5. Cutest picture ever! Kori xoxo

  6. It is the perfect picture! Happy Wednesday! XOXO

  7. I have to agree....I get giddy looking at that picture too!! Pink Perfection!! Just followed your blog.


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO