
14 March 2011

Princess Grace of Monaco

Happy Monday! Let's start the week off with a little royalty, shall we? It's no secret that Grace Kelly, aka Princess Grace of Monaco, is one of my all time faves. Well, my in-laws had a stack of old LIFE magazines from the 50s, and imagine me shock and delight when I stumbled upon the issue featuring Grace Kelly's wedding!!!
She graced the cover and a full spread inside of gorgeous photos and an article.
From her upcoming real-life fairy tale wedding...
to her movies...
to preparing for her arrival and the royal wedding in Monaco...
to her own preparations at home (ie LOTS of shopping and lots of packing),
this spread was divine!
Here is one of my favorite quotes from the article...
"While her mother, sisters, and aides stood by to offer advice, Grace swept from one expensive store to another, following a planned timetable with clocklike precision. After two days of intensive hunting she had acquired three costly furs, 29 pairs of shoes (including two specially made pairs of wedding slippers which her shoemaker sentimentally equipped with built-in pennies), a trunkful of silk dresses and a jeweled gift for her prince. "
Oh, to be a princess bride! Le sigh.


  1. Oh my goodness I die. Such a lucky princess!!! :)

  2. SUUUUPER fabulous! I LOVE THIS!!!

  3. what a beautiful spread... thank you for sharing!!

  4. I LOOOOOOOVEEEE Grace Kelly. SO lucky that you found that issue. I'm now going to be on the hunt for one for myself!

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. Wow. Now THAT is the way to do it :)

  6. Sounds like a shopping trip I'd LOVE to be in on! How fun to have found these treasures from the 50's!! Grace Kelly is one of my very favorites too ... she's the definition of chic! xo

  7. Such an amazing discovery!! Are you going to display it in your home? It is beyond a treasure

  8. And my gal Audrey made the spread, too! Adore this--what a fab find. ;)

  9. Love it! I cannot wait to watch the next royal wedding! So fascinating all the traditions involved.

  10. I absolutely loved Grace Kelly. My style icon. So classy and glamourous.

    What an awesome article to stumble across. Fun, fun, fun. Only 20 cents an issue, too! :)


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