
21 March 2011

Love Letters

My Dearest Snow:

While I adore watching you fall while wrapped in a blanket sipping hot cocoa and you add a magical quality to Christmas, it is time for us to say our goodbyes until next winter. You see, it is the end of March, Spring has officially begun, and my sundresses, open-toe heels, and light trenches are dying to make their 2011 debut. My winter coats and snowboots are tired after a long winter and have been tucked away to rest.

Step aside and make way for some sunshine, mérci!

Sealed with a kiss on each cheek,


  1. Seriously!! This needs to happen ASAP!

  2. it is SO.NOT.FAIR that it has snowed on our spring....i can only hope that this is a mean trick, and that spring is appearing fashionably late (and will debut tomorrow!)

  3. I couldn't agree more! No more winter!

  4. I second that one!

    For the first time in a long time I can see my mailbox! Good least it's melting.

    Bring on the warm, sunny days! :)

  5. I couldn't agree more! I live in Boston and I was so disappointed to see SNOW today. Spring, where are you??

  6. Yesterday I fixed a button on my favorite Red raincoat and when I put it away I was so happy to look at my winter jackets and know I won't have to see them again till November, hopefully December! Ahhh! Spring!

  7. Amen to that!! Come on down to VA-- the weather has been beautiful here!


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO