
16 February 2011

Valentine's Day as a Mr. & Mrs.

Happy Wednesday, lovely ladies! Are you still reeling from the romance of Valentine's Day or on a sugar high from all those chocolates and candies? Me too! Husband and I had an absolutely perfect first married Valentine's Day. Let's reminisce...
When I arrived home from work, Husband was waiting with the fire lit, champagne in two glasses, our favorite songs playing, and my presents wrapped behind him. What a sweetie, oui? We danced around the room, toasted to our first Valentine's Day, and then the present-opening began. I received a gorgeous pair of pearl earrings to match the double strand necklace he had given me, gold ballet flats, and a pair of riding boots to wear in Ireland (next week, next week!!!). I had made a scavenger hunt for him with clues of where his presents were hidden in the house, and he had such fun finding and unwrapping his red-themed gifts (linen Nantucket red pants, red polo, red tee, and some chocolate wine as a sweet treat).

Before we knew it, it was time to leave the house as Husband whisked me away to a romantic dinner. Sadly, I did not take one single photo to share, but I will remember our first married Valentine's Day forever. What did all of you do to celebrate? I would love to hear!



  1. Sounds fabulous .. I love the idea of leaving red-themed presents all around the house! You all are too cute. Have a fantastic time in Ireland - how could you not??

  2. sounds perfect. he really is the best shopper and gift giver!!! you lucky valentine you!

  3. Sounds just wonderful! My boyfriend gave my pearl earrings, too. Classic!



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