
06 January 2011

Pink & Green Louis Vuitton!

Happy Thursday, ladies! I was so excited when I saw that the lovely Trish was hosting Pink & Green Thrursday again this week. We can all use a little more pink and green in our lives, oui? Husband and I were shopping this past weekend, and I spotted the most gorgeous pink and green silk scarf in the Louis Vuitton window display... which brings me to the inspiration for today's eye candy. Have you seen all the pink and green in LV's Resort ad campaign? (I know you have, Brown Eyed Belle!) It's true LoVe...
Pure poetry... and that lovely window display I mentioned to you? Here you go:
Big Thursday smooches to you all!


  1. love, love!!! as if louis weren't enough to love already! and i love your NEW site design!!

  2. GORGEOUS!! i need that pink dress stat immediately, please!

  3. Oooh, I'm so glad you posted these for P&G Thursday!!! I posted them last week and simply adore every one! LV and pink & green make the perfect combination, if you ask me!!

  4. Pink and Green + Louis Vuitton = HEAVEN!!!

  5. Mercy, I love me some LV!!!!


    I think I finally stopped my P&G Thursdays last week!!
    So glad Trishy is back!

  6. Pretty pictures! I love pink and green!

  7. Oo la la! What a fabulous campaign. The pictures with the car are especially drool-worthy. Happy Thursday! :)

  8. I absolutely LOVE the pink dress. I wouldn't mind that bathing suit and sun hat either. :)

  9. Hey there my gorgeous gal! Thank you SO MUCH for all this absolutely amazing Pink & Green heavely eye candy! The retro styles are just up our alley, oui?! :) I can actually see you wearing/styling each one of these LV shots, with your beautiful long hair and perfect figure! xoxo Love and hugs to you always sweet friend! xoxoxoxoxo


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO