
25 January 2011

Belated Blog Birthday!

First, big hugs and thank you's to all of you for your sweet comments on Husband's new job. His first day went swimmingly, and he enjoyed reading each message from my dear blog friends last night. You are all the best!

Did you know that Pink Champagne recently turned one year old? If you missed it, you are in good company... I failed to notice my dear blog's birthday too! Today we are celebrating (better late than never, and we are sure going to make up for it) one year of fabulous fashions, swoon-worthy photos, fantastic friends, and all that Pink Champagne has grown to be!
Happiest of birthdays to my little blog and cheers to many more years of Pink Champagne! Merci to each of you just for being fabulous! XO


  1. Cheers to one fabulous year and many more to come! I'm so glad we "met" through our bloggies this year! :)

  2. Happy Blogaversary, love!! Doesn't time fly :)

  3. Happy Blog Birthday, sweet girl!!! How exciting! Cheers to all the fabulous times that you've had here at Pink Champagne so far and to the fabulous times ahead! MUAH! XO

  4. and oh what a difference a year makes! i remember when we were just TALKING about starting a blog!!!
    congrats and bonne anniversaire to you and "pink champagne"!
    in just one short year you have gone from bride-2-b to a mrs, a homeowner and one of my daily must-reads! your thoughts and blog posts are nothing short of inspiring!
    you have such a way of spreading pink and happy all over blog-land, dear friend!

  5. Happy birthday to a beautiful, beautiful blog! Loving these pink pictures in this post :)


    Camille @ Paris in Pink

  6. Happy Blog Birthday! I'm glad to hear that your husband's first day went well. :)

  7. Well, don't the celebrations just keep a comin'! Yeah! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Mrs. Kindergarten

  8. Happy Blogiversary! Glad you're here! Always love your posts, keem 'em coming! :)

  9. Love the images!!! Congrats and cheers.


Merci for visiting! I love hearing from my readers, and your comments make me smile. XOXO