
21 October 2010

Pink & Green: I DO Details!

Happy Pink & Green Thursday, ladies! I promised more details from the day I said I do, and I'm a lady of my word. More pictures, more details, more fun!
On our wedding morning, I was like a little girl on Christmas morning. I couldn't sleep, and when I did wake up before my alarm there was no way this bride was going back to bed! I mean, how can you possibly when this is hanging right outside of your room??? Squeeee! After enjoying coffee with my parents in the carriage house we we stayed in, it was time for the ladies to pamper at the salon! We spent the morning enjoying mimosas, pastries, and having our hair and makeup done. Before I knew it, the clock had struck 12 and it was time for me to slip into my dress. What fun!
Don't forget the jewels!
When the trolley arrived to bring us to the church, I literally squealed in excitement. "Going to the Chapel" was playing as I got on the trolley. Can you imagine?
Daddy and I walking into the Church. It was the per-fect Cape Cod summer day...not a cloud in the sky, the sun shining bright, and the perfect temperature. All those prayers for the past year made my wish come true!

Our niece and nephews walking down the aisle in their Lilly (dress, bow ties, and ring bearer pillows)... aren't they just precious?

Ready for our big moment... about to walk me down the aisle.

Here comes the bride! Walking towards my groom on Daddy's arm...Saying our I do's... the moment Fiancé became Husband! (Another squeeeee!)Everyone outside of the Church. We are a Mr. & Mrs!

Stay tuned next week for reception details... Big hugs from the bride! (Can I still call myself the bride nearly 2 months later? Tiff... teeny details.)


  1. I <3 your dress, its was so gorgeous!!!

  2. The way your dress was hung was too special to wake up to! It sounds and looks like just a perfect day!! Would like to see the full on view! You are a bride for a least a year!!!....or the ~rest~of~your~life! Happily ever aftering....

  3. I get so excited by just reading this...I'm so glad everything was perfect!

    Love all the pink and green!

    BTW, I hadn't had a chance to say Congrats!!! I took a rather long break from blogworld. Im so glad to be back and sharing all these so special posts with all my amazing fellow bloggers.

    Happy Thursday!

  4. I agree--you are definitely still a bride! What a gorgeous dress and love the trolley. :)

  5. This is so perfect! We had a trolley too, but no music, boo! XX!


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